How To Juggle Family, Career And A Blog

How To Juggle Family, Career And A Blog

When I started a blog, my goal was to share the comedy side of being a professional working mom. You know; the sheer madness that leads to a crazed sort of laughter, right before you feel like you’re losing it!

Little did I know blogging would require a lot of time. I was already stretched thin with family, after school activities and my career.

And on top of all that, I was writing my first book “The Beautiful Mess.” Talk about a full plate, right? How on earth could I make room for a blog?

I’ll admit I wondered how I can balance everything on my plate but I was determined to make it work. After all, I have a lot to share with my fellow working moms.

How To Juggle Family, Career And A Blog

So how do you manage a blog when you’re trying to balance a family and career? How do you make time to write a blog post when there is homework to check and meetings to prepare for?

Here are some things I learned the past three years about making time to blog while juggling it all.

1. You Need To A Support System

I have mentioned this in other blog posts but having a support system is crucial. Whether it’s hiring a nanny to help out with meals and cleaning the house. Or a partner who can help out with things like driving the kids to soccer practice or taking the reign for bedtime routines.

When you have a support system in place, it makes it easier to make time to sit down in front of your laptop to write out a blog post.

2. Use Simple Simplifiers To Help Make More Time For Your Blog

Adopt life hacks that will simplify your life. For example, if there is clutter in your way like your make-up drawer or bag, get rid of the items you’re not using.

Or hacks for work like keeping reports current so you’ll always have an update ready when asked.

These simple simplifiers can make life so much easier and could spare some extra time for blogging.

3. Create An Editorial Calendar So You Always Know What To Blog About

How To Juggle Family, Career And A Blog

When I started blogging, I had all kinds of ideas to write about. But as time went on, I noticed I was having ‘what do I blog about’ moments. And they were becoming more frequent.

That’s when I discovered blog editorial calendars. I read a blog post by Medium called How to Create an Editorial Calendar for Your Blog and I learned all about the benefits of creating an editorial calendar. Besides always having a topic to blog about, you can also keep track of blogging goals and keep track of your posting schedule.

4. Keep A Notebook Around To Jot Down Notes

I don’t know about you but inspiration strikes me at the oddest times! Like when I’m in Yoga class or stuck in traffic. So I keep a handy-dandy notebook around to jot down notes I can use for my next blog post.

How To Juggle Family, Career And A Blog

5. You Actually Have To Make Time To Blog

You can have a support system, simple simplifiers and an editorial calendar in place but the most important thing you have to do is make time .

For me, the best time for me to blog is when the kids are in bed. Or if I’m not taking a walk during my lunch break, I’ll sit outside on a bench, take out my notebook and write down ideas or come up with a couple paragraphs for a blog post.

In Closing

The good news is, the kids will grow up to become independent. They’ll be able to do more things for themselves, learn to drive; so there will be more time for blogging. For now, I hope the tips I shared have been helpful!

If you have anything to add to this list, please share it in the comments below.

And don’t forget to share this post on social media!

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