kids on the first day of school

The Beautiful Mess: I Didn’t Cry On The First Day Of School

With the first day of school around the corner, I thought it would be a great time to share my next confession: I didn’t cry on the first day of school.

My youngest is older now but I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

As I sent off my six-year old to school for her first day of grade one, my eyes were mysteriously dry. Isn’t welling up as your sweet little angel heads off to the bus a sacred past time of every mom? And for working moms we really should put in the extra tears given all the guilt we carry (late nights, travel etc.)

But my eyes were dry.

The First Day Of School

One year, I was at a Popsicle social for the new grade one class. I overheard one of the moms say “I cried every day for 20 days straight when Luke started kindergarten.” I tried not to snap my neck or let my eyes pop out of my head like one of those 1980’s cartoon characters. But I really couldn’t believe my ears. I don’t recall crying when my daughter went to kindergarten either.

And I found out, I wasn’t the only one.

My fitness instructor shared her story that she too did not cry when her daughter went off to kindergarten for the first time. Any my mother-in-law joined her friends for champagne when they sent their last of three children off to school for the first time.

So I am here to tell you, there is no judgement. If you don’t weep on the first day of school – it doesn’t mean you don’t love your children. It’s a happy moment, more independence for them and more head space for you. No judgement if you are a crier either. But let’s face it, for us moms that is the expected response.

Now It’s Your Turn

Do you cry on the first day of school? Share your story in the comments.

If you would ike to share a confession with other working moms, contact me so we can set something up!

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