defining your value

Embracing Your Value: Lessons from “The Beautiful Mess”

In the bustling journey of career and motherhood, it’s easy to lose sight of our worth. We often get caught up in the demands of our jobs, the needs of our families, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. But understanding and embracing our value is crucial—not just for our professional growth, but for our personal fulfillment. This is a central theme in Chapter 17 of my book, “The Beautiful Mess.”

Defining Your Value

Defining your value begins with introspection. It’s about recognizing your strengths, understanding your contributions, and acknowledging the unique qualities you bring to the table. For many of us, this isn’t easy. We’re often our own harshest critics, quick to downplay our achievements and magnify our flaws.

Early in my career, I struggled with this. I remember sitting in meetings, brimming with ideas but hesitant to share them, fearing they weren’t good enough. This self-doubt wasn’t just a professional hurdle—it seeped into my personal life, affecting my confidence and overall well-being.

The turning point came when I decided to take stock of my achievements. I made a list of my successes, no matter how small they seemed. This exercise was eye-opening. It helped me see the tangible impact of my work and the unique skills I brought to my team. I realized that defining my value wasn’t about boasting; it was about acknowledging my worth and ensuring that I—and others—recognized it.

Communicating Your Value

Once you’ve defined your value, the next step is to communicate it effectively. This is especially important in the workplace, where your contributions need to be visible to your colleagues and superiors.

There was a pivotal moment in my career when I was up for a promotion. I knew I deserved it, but I also knew that simply believing I deserved it wasn’t enough. I needed to articulate my value clearly and confidently. I prepared a comprehensive report detailing my achievements, the skills I had honed, and the impact of my work on the organization. When I presented this to my manager, I didn’t just ask for the promotion—I demonstrated why it was the logical next step for both me and the company.

This experience taught me the power of clear communication. It’s not enough to do great work; you need to make sure that others see and understand the value of what you do. Whether it’s through regular updates, presentations, or informal conversations, make your contributions known. Be active, not passive and don’t assume that everyone else can figure it out on their own.

Supporting Each Other

Lastly, it’s important to recognize that we don’t have to do this alone. Supporting each other in defining and embracing our value is crucial. Whether it’s through mentorship, peer support, or simply being a sounding board for a friend, we can help each other see and embrace our worth.

In my professional journey, I’ve been fortunate to have mentors who believed in me even when I doubted myself. Their support and guidance were instrumental in helping me define my value. Now, I strive to pay it forward by mentoring others, offering encouragement, and sharing the lessons I’ve learned.


Defining and embracing your value is a continuous journey. It requires introspection, clear communication, overcoming self-doubt, practicing self-care, and supporting each other. As we navigate the beautiful mess of life, let’s remember that our value is not defined by our perfection, but by our authenticity, our contributions, and our ability to lift each other up.

Remember, you are valuable. Your contributions matter. Embrace your worth and let it shine in all that you do.

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