packing for business trips

How To Take The Thinking Out Of Packing For Business Trips

Guess what the most common thing I forget when packing for business trips? The toothbrush? Underwear? Nope …pajamas.

When it comes to business trips, as a working mom, last minute packing is inevitable. Like most women who have high stress careers and are at the same time raising children, packing just can’t take priority, until it has to. For me that’s the night before or if the flight isn’t too early even (gasp) the morning of. No wonder I forget my pajamas.

After some time of being forced to stitch together some form of PJs on the road, usually work out clothes if I managed to remember those, I came up with some easy-to-follow methods of packing for a work trip that saved me. I thought I would share those with you as a fellow busy working mom and business traveler.

Tips For Packing For Business Trips

Here are my tips for packing for business trips:

  1. Pick a color theme: if you are gone more than two days, it definitely helps to pick a color theme. So for example, black and white or navy or grey or even green or burgundy. Whatever it is keep the palette tight. I have found it takes some of the thinking out of packing, everything will match and you will look great
  2. Pick a theme for type of wardrobe; for example, all dresses or all separates.
  3. Always grab a big scarf you can wrap yourself in or a cardigan or some other soft outerwear for those cold planes and conference rooms
  4. Have two sets of makeup, one for home and one for the road. Then you just grab your travel version of makeup without having to make any decisions about what to bring etc. same goes with toothbrush / paste, really any toiletries just prepare your travel version of that so you can grab and go
  5. Pack ear plugs and an eye mask: sleep is critical and I find these tools simple but essential for that extra sleep on the plane or to ward off noises in a hotel room that may keep you up
  6. Pack workout clothes only if you realistically have a break in the schedule. For opportunistic walks etc. you can always grab a pair of running shoes
  7. Keep a short list of all the chargers you need and pack those last as you likely will be using them until you need to head out
  8. When it comes to jewelry, unless you are scheduled for a black tie event, keep it simple. I have a necklace I always wear and a pair of earrings I can sleep in comfortably. This way they won’t get lost. 
  9. Resist over-packing shoes. This is where I typically run into trouble. I keep the clothes lean, then load up my bag with shoes. Choose a pair you can wear every day with a fall back super comfy pair when your feet need a break
business packing tips

Wrapping Up

One thing you shouldn’t pack is your mom guilt. I know that’s difficult but my good friends and later even my kids, tell me I am setting a good example for them and everyone gets to learn how to adapt without you, which isn’t a bad thing.

Now go and nail that business meeting! Happy travels!

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